The King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) wanted to upgrade the Tennis and Soccer Fields to motivate more people towards a better and healthy life style in line with the Vision 2030, along with phasing out the old technology of Metal Halides and to conserve the energy thereby increasing the goals towards sustainability.
Project Brief:
KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science & Technology)
Main Contractor
MUSCO Gulf Lighting & Contracting LLC
KAUST, Thuwal
Scope of Project
Installation of New poles & Retrofit Cross-arms & Lighting Fixtures
Project Duration
August 2022 - December 2022
Contract value
$ 134,180.00
Scope of Project:
Racquet Club (5 Tennis Courts), Harbor Club (3 Tennis Courts & 1 Soccer Field) and Island Soccer fields were identified as a part of study to develop the athletic fields and provide better lighting and services to the players, reduce the electricity consumption by installing of LED fixtures and give more control and better access to club managers to control the fields by implementing the Automation through scheduling and ease of access.
Racquet Club: Removal of the old fixtures and cross arms and Installation of Retrofit Lighting Fixtures with new cross arms and Electrical Controls Enclosures at 5 Tennis Courts. Installation of Control cabinet in electrical room.
Harbor Club: Removal of the old fixtures and cross arms and Installation of Retrofit Lighting Fixtures with new cross arms and Electrical Control Enclosures at 3 Tennis Courts and 1 Soccer Field. Installation of Control Cabinet in the Electrical room.
Island Soccer: Removal of Old poles, lighting fixtures, cross-arms, bases & cables. Installation of new poles, with LED lighting fixtures along with the new cross arms, pulling of new cables and Installation of Electrical Controls Enclosures on poles and Installation of New Control Cabinet between the fields.